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Mobility and freedom are two of the most common preferences due to which people prefer tiny houses. Setting a different life and tasting the life through unique challenges and achievements can add a whole lot of different experiences to your life. Now keeping your home cozy and comfortable in winter is one of the most essential initiatives which any house owner will aspire to make the living in winter more hassle-free.

Start with a general check-up and determining the parts of your tiny home that aren’t functioning well. Once you know what areas need upgrading of your home, then prep your tiny home for winter. Here’s in this blog, you can take a view on how to prep your tiny house for winter as mentioned by AC maintenance Plantation service?


A tightly insulated home will maximize energy efficiency and minimize energy loss. Air quality is a concern and it can be achieved when your tiny house is insulated, so investing in an air heat exchanger is a worthy way to enhance indoor air quality. You can use fiberglass, rockwool, or cotton as best insulation materials if you live in temperate climate.     

Electric Heaters

Investing in an electric heater is an easy way to keep your tiny house warm during the cold season. Electric heaters sound good when it comes to maintain and don’t require installation and are also lower in cost than gas heaters. These heaters help maintain a safe temperature while you are not at home.

Generator for an Emergency

Sometimes when power outages occur in winter, it can lead to discomfort and difficulty living in tiny house. With a backup generator, you can keep the home warm, lighten up, and can use fewer appliances even without electricity. Another additional benefit is you have the warmth inside the house which can also help in preventing the water supply pipes from getting frozen up. So yes a generator to handle emergency can work very well for your tiny house.

So make your living quite happy and satisfactory in winter by following the above mentioned ways in preparing your tiny house for winter.

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